YUSUKE YOKOO横尾 祐介クックパッド コーポレートブランディング部長/クックパッドの家庭科 プロデューサーYUSUKE YOKOO横尾 祐介クックパッド コーポレートブランディング部長/クックパッドの家庭科 プロデューサー
After working as a major electrical manufacturer, he served as a brand manager at Triumph International Japan Co., Ltd.
He planned a number of hits, including “Sloggy”, which pioneered comfort bra, and now he is branding the value of food at “Cookpad”. He creating projects that capture social issues from the point of view of cooking, such as “Creative Cooking Battle” on the theme of food loss and “Cookpad Family Studies” classes for junior high and high schools. -
MINAKO SUEMATSU末松 弥奈子ジャパンタイムズ 代表取締役会長兼社長MINAKO SUEMATSU末松 弥奈子ジャパンタイムズ 代表取締役会長兼社長
1993年 学習院大学大学院修士課程修了後、インターネット関連ビジネスで起業。2001年株式会社ニューズ・ツー・ユー(現ニューズ・ツー・ユーホールディングス)を設立。2017年ジャパンタイムズの代表取締役会長・発行人に就任。2020年4月日本初の文科省認定の全寮制小学校 神石インターナショナルスクールを広島県神石高原町に開校、理事長に就任。
After completing her master’s degree at Gakushuin University in 1993, she started her own business on the Internet.In 2001, she established News to You (now News to You Holdings).In 2017, she became chairman and publisher of the Japan Times.In April 2020, the first boarding elementary school recognized by the Ministry of Education in Japan opened in Kamishitakahara Town, Hiroshima Prefecture, and became president.
HARUNA KATAYAMA片山 晴菜King's College London 脳神経科学修士課程HARUNA KATAYAMA片山 晴菜King's College London 脳神経科学修士課程
札幌で生まれ育つも地元の高校を中退し、経団連奨学生としてUWC-USA (米ニューメキシコ州) に留学。2017年に日本人初の学生としてミネルバ大学に進学、学部4年間で世界7都市を廻る。学部時代に独自に SexTech 市場のガイドブックを執筆したり、立ち上げ期のスタートアップに参画し日本のフェムテック市場の火付けに寄与したりする中で、女性の性機能障害に対する効果的な介入が確立されていないことを学ぶ。現在は英 King’s College London 脳神経学部修士課程に在籍し、脳のレンズから性機能について探求している。第 1 期柳井正財団海外奨学金プログラム奨学生および孫正義育英財団正財団生にも選出されている。
Haruna Katayama left her hometown in northern Japan at the age of 16 to pursue education with students from 90 countries in a high desert of New Mexico.Then she joined a new, experimental undergrad program called Minerva Schools at KGI (current Minerva University) as its first Japanese student. Over the course of four years during which she lived and worked in six countries, Haruna had been exposed to multitudes of societal norms but realised one common thing across cultures: stigma around sex. In April 2021, she published the world’s first extensive market report on the SexTech industry in an effort to normalise and democratise pleasure. Currently, she is pursuing a Neuroscience Masters program at King’s College London, where she strives to further her understanding of neural underpinnings of female sexual function. Haruna is also a 1st-gen fellow at Yanai Tadashi Foundation and MasaSon Foundation, led by the UNIQLO and the Softbank Group chairman.
YOICHI ITO伊藤 羊一Zアカデミア学長 / 武蔵野大学アントレプレナーシップ学部 学部長YOICHI ITO伊藤 羊一Zアカデミア学長 / 武蔵野大学アントレプレナーシップ学部 学部長
Graduated from the economics department of the University of Tokyo, joined the Industrial Bank of Japan in 1990, engaged in corporate finance, bond liquidity, corporate revitalization support, etc.After turning positive in 2003, he was in charge of logistics reorganization, marketing, business reorganization and revitalization at Jointex Company, and served as Executive Director of Marketing and Vice President, where he was involved in management and new business development.He switched to Yahoo in April 2015, and is currently the president of Z Academia and Yahoo! Academia to develop the next generation of leaders of Z Holdings and Yahoo.He will also lead the development of leadership as a representative of Wayne and a visiting professor at Globis School of Management.In order to foster the entrepreneurship of the younger generation, Musashino University opened the Faculty of Entrepreneurship (Musashino EMC) in April 2021 and became dean.