In Japan, which has not been able to get out of the worst level in the world rankings every year, what are the problems that have not been solved yet? What is the starting point for social implementation?
TAKAYUKI KIYOTA清田 隆之桃山商事 文筆業TAKAYUKI KIYOTA清田 隆之桃山商事 文筆業
Born in Tokyo in 1980.Representative of Momoyama Shoji, a literary and “Koibana” (Love gossip) collection unit. He graduated from Waseda University’s First Faculty of Literature. So far, more than 1,200 “Koibana” have been collected and broadcast on columns and radio under the theme of “Love and Gender.” He contributed to a wide range of media including QJ Web, Nikkei doors, clinical psychology, Subaru, and modern thought. He is also a respondent in Asahi Shimbun’s life counseling service.
CHIZUKO UENO上野 千鶴子社会学者・東京大学名誉教授・認定NPO法人ウィメンズアクションネットワーク(WAN)理事長CHIZUKO UENO上野 千鶴子社会学者・東京大学名誉教授・認定NPO法人ウィメンズアクションネットワーク(WAN)理事長
とり。高齢者の介護とケアも研究テーマとしている。1994年『近 代家族の成立 と終焉』 (岩波書店)でサントリー学芸賞受賞。2011年度、「朝日賞」受賞。2019年、フィンランド共和国Hän Honours受賞。撮影 / 菅野勝男
Chizuko Ueno is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo, ph. D. in sociology. Born in 1948 and graduated from Graduate School of Kyoto University, with teaching experiences at various universities in and out of Japan. Pioneering in women’s studies and gender studies in Japan, she currently takes a position of a chief Director of NPO Women’s Action Network. Her fields cover a wide range from sexuality to women’s labor and ageing. Her major works are Patriarchy and Capitalism (1990), Sociology of Care (1911) among other numerous writings. She has two books in English translation, Nationalism and Gender (2004) and Modern Family in Japan: Its Rise and Fall (2009). Received Suntory Academic Prize in 1994, Asahi Award for her contribution to feminism and studies on care in 2011, and Hän Honor by the Finish government in 2019.
MICHIKO TADAMATSU只松 観智子Think Impacts 代表取締役MICHIKO TADAMATSU只松 観智子Think Impacts 代表取締役
外資系金融機関、外資系コンサルティングファームを経て現職。ESG・ダイバーシティ経営戦略立案、ジェンダー・人権デューデリジェンス、取締役会改革等のビジネスコンサルティングに加え、女性起業家やジェンダー平等を目的として活動するNPO等の経営支援を社会的価値創造活動として展開。30% Club Japan創設者。特定非営利活動法人 Gender Action Platform 理事。
Have experienced in a foreign financial institution and foreign consulting firm and now become CEO of “Think Impacts”. In addition to business consulting such as ESG diversity management strategy planning, gender and human rights due diligence, and board reform, she develop management support for female entrepreneurs and NPOs working for gender equality as social value creation activities.Founder of 30 % Club Japan.Director of Gender Action Platform, a non-profit organization.
SAYAKA TANAKA田中 沙弥果Waffle Co-Founder / CEOSAYAKA TANAKA田中 沙弥果Waffle Co-Founder / CEO
1991年生まれ。2017年NPO法人みんなのコード入社。文部科学省後援事業に従事したほか、全国20都市以上の教育委員会と連携し学校の先生がプログラミング教育を授業で実施するために事業推進。2019年にIT分野のジェンダーギャップを埋めるために一般社団法人Waffleを設立。2020年には日本政府主催の国際女性会議WAW!2020にユース代表として選出。2020年Forbes JAPAN誌「世界を変える30歳未満30人」受賞。内閣府 若者円卓会議 委員。
Sayaka Tanaka was born in 1991.Joined the NPO corporation’s “Code for Everyone” in 2017.In addition to being involved in a project sponsored by the MEXT; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, promoted the project of invoking programming education by school teachers in general class with boards of education in more than 20 cities nationwide. Established general incorporate association “Waffle” in 2019 to bridge the gender gap in the IT field.Selected as a youth representative at the “International Women’s Congress WAW! 2020” sponsored by the Japanese government.Awarded in 2020 Forbes Japan magazine “30 people under the age of 30 who change the world”.Member of the Cabinet Office’s “Youth Roundtable.”