ZUIKI INADA稲田 ズイキ称名寺副住職・煩悩クリエイター・フリースタイルな僧侶たち編集長ZUIKI INADA稲田 ズイキ称名寺副住職・煩悩クリエイター・フリースタイルな僧侶たち編集長
Born in 1992. He is a deputy priest of Tsukinakayama Shomeiji Temple in Kumiyama-cho, Kyoto. After graduating from Doshisha University, he joined a digital agency in Tokyo. In 2018, he became independent as a worldly creator and planned the Temple Musical Film Festival Te La Land and the Lost Heart Purification Bar, and for half the year 2019, he will practice sleeping and pilgrimage to other people’s homes all over Japan (after becoming a priest and running away from home. In 2021, he became the third editor-in-chief of “Freestyle Monks.”
KINOKOきのコポリーラウンジ幹事 / 文筆家KINOKOきのコポリーラウンジ幹事 / 文筆家
Tweets by kinoko1027Born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1983. Graduate School of Humanities, Kyushu University.
Under the agreement of all parties concerned, she is working on the theme of love, sex, partnership, communication, etc. by coming out as a “polyamory” who socializes with multiple partners at the same time. A member of the board of directors of the Poly Lounge, an exchange meeting for people interested in Polyamory. -
HIROKO NAKAMURA中村 寛子fermata Co-founder / CCOHIROKO NAKAMURA中村 寛子fermata Co-founder / CCO
Edinburgh Napier University (英)卒。グローバルデジタルマーケティングカンファレンスを主催しているdmg::events Japan にて、6年間主にコンテンツプログラムの責任者として従事。2018年から女性エンパワメントを軸にジェンダー、年齢、働き方、健康の問題などまわりにある見えない障壁に問いをたてるビジネスカンファレンス「MASHING UP」を企画プロデ ュース。2019年にAminaとともにfermata 株式会社を創業し、主に法人営業を担当している。
Graduated from Edinburgh Napier University (UK). She worked mainly as a content program manager for six years at “dmg::events Japan”, which hosts the Global Digital Marketing Conference. Since 2018, MASHING UP, a business conference focused on women’s empowerment, has been planned to ask questions about invisible barriers such as gender, age, how to work, and health problems. In 2019, she founded “fermata” Corporation with Amina and is mainly in charge of corporate sales.
JUN HIRAYAMA平山 潤NEUT Magazine 編集長JUN HIRAYAMA平山 潤NEUT Magazine 編集長
1992年神奈川県相模原市生まれ。成蹊大学卒。ウェブメディア『Be inspired!』編集長を経て、現在は『NEUT Magazine(ニュートマガジン)』編集長を務める。『NEUT Magazine』では「既存の価値観に縛られずに生きるための選択肢」をコンセプトに、先入観に縛られない視点を届けられるよう活動中。
Born in 1992 in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture.Graduated from Seikei University he worked as editor-in-chief of the web media ”Be inspected!” and is now editor-in-chief of NEUT Magazine.” NEUT Magazine is working to deliver a perspective that is not bound by prejudice under the concept of “Choice to live without being bound by existing values.”