SHIN KIKUCHI菊池 紳いきものカンパニー 代表取締役SHIN KIKUCHI菊池 紳いきものカンパニー 代表取締役
生命・資源・生態系を深く学ぶ『LIFE University』プロデューサー。”Planetary Good”を掲げ、自然科学や生命科学をベースとした、地球にも人にも良い社会作りを進める事業家・研究者。農業・食料分野の起業家としても知られる。慶應義塾大学SFC研究所 上席所員。農林水産省生物多様性戦略 検討委員。グッドデザイン金賞など受賞多数。
Producer of ”LIFE University”, learns deeply about life, resources, and ecosystems.
He is an entrepreneur and researcher who promotes the creation of a good society for both the earth and people which suggest as ”Planetary Good”, based on natural and life sciences.
He is also known as an entrepreneur in agriculture and food.
A senior staff member of Keio University’s SFC Laboratory.
A member of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries’ Biodiversity Strategy Review Committee.
Have got many awards such as the Good Design Gold Award. -
AKIHIRO YASUI安居 昭博Circular Initiatives&Partners 代表AKIHIRO YASUI安居 昭博Circular Initiatives&Partners 代表
1988年12月12日生まれ。Circular Initiatives&Partners代表。世界経済フォーラムGlobal Future Council on Japan メンバー。ドイツ・キール大学「Sustainability, Society and the Environment」修士課程卒業。2021年6月『サーキュラーエコノミー実践 ーオランダに探るビジネスモデル』出版。2021年、日本各地でのサーキュラーエコノミー実践と理論の普及が高く評価され、「青年版国民栄誉賞(TOYP2021)」にて「内閣総理大臣奨励賞(グランプリ)」受賞。サーキュラーエコノミー研究家/サスティナブル・ビジネスアドバイザー/映像クリエイター。アムステルダムと東京の2拠点で活動し、これまでに50を超える関係省庁・企業・自治体に向けオランダでの視察イベント、200社以上へ講演会を開催しサーキュラーエコノミーを紹介する。複数の企業へアドバイザー・外部顧問として参画。「トニーズ・チョコロンリー (Tony’s Chocolonely)」を初めとし、オランダ企業の日本進出プロジェクトにも参画。日本とヨーロッパ間でのサーキュラーエコノミー分野の橋渡し役を務める。「サステナアワード2020」にて「環境省環境経済課長賞」を受賞。
Born on December 12, 1988 in Tokyo, Japan. Akihiro Yasui is circular-economy researcher, sustainable journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Amsterdam. He is passionate about sharing environmental, socially beneficial ideas through his films and articles. The themes he have been addressing are zero waste, food rescue, refugee issues, fair trade, organic agriculture, circular-economy, and sustainable lifestyles. Through working with a sustainable web magazine in Germany “Funkenzeit”, he has interviewed and got involved in various startups and individuals, including a Dutch rescued-food restaurant “Instock”, a circular-economy jeans company “MUD Jeans”, Berlin’s first food-outlet store “SirPlus”, the German refugee supporting project “The Hutto Project” and Slow Food Japan & Germany.
CHIKA MARUTA丸田 千果ラッシュジャパン ブランドコミュニケーション マネージャーCHIKA MARUTA丸田 千果ラッシュジャパン ブランドコミュニケーション マネージャー
She spent her school days in the Bay Area of California, worked as a planner, and then joined LASH Japan in 2014.
After being in charge of ethical campaigns against animal testing for cosmetics, protecting LGBTQ+, supporting refugees, and promoting renewable energy, she led a wide range of brand stories, including recruitment projects and concept shops using digital experiences.
Recently, while designing brand communication strategies, she is working to create communities in various parts of the country where LASH’s biggest media, shops, are located. -
YOHEI AZAKAMI阿座上 陽平ユートピアアグリカルチャー プロデューサー / Zebras and Company 共同創業者YOHEI AZAKAMI阿座上 陽平ユートピアアグリカルチャー プロデューサー / Zebras and Company 共同創業者
Design and implement the entire businesses and brands, such as marketing planning and creative direction, from product of startups, service development to publicity and promotion.
Based on internal and external stakeholders and market/competitive research, he is good at designing brands that can get attention by creating words and design concepts that represent companies.