Through examples of companies that actively engage in employment for the disabled and businesses that operate to change the mood of society, we explore the true ways in which people can realize themselves through work.
YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳セガサミーホールディングス 執行役員 サスティナビリティ推進室 室長 / セガサミービジネスサポート 代表取締役社長YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳セガサミーホールディングス 執行役員 サスティナビリティ推進室 室長 / セガサミービジネスサポート 代表取締役社長
After serving as a secretary to the President of Tama University, Yuka worked at Pasona Inc. where she was in charge of reconstruction projects after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. After that, she joined Namco Inc. (now NAMCO BANDAI ENTERTAINMENT INC.) and launched an industry-government-academia collaboration business and educational business where she developed a textbook for elementary school students in 2011, which became an unprecedented hit. She then spent six years as General Manager of the New Business Division. She launched a game method consulting business and a venture collaboration project to utilize the talents of game creators in other fields. After serving as a director of NAMCO BANDAI WILL, a special subsidiary for employing people with disabilities, she was appointed to her current position in April 2020. As a representative director of a special subsidiary, he actively promoted measures to promote sustainability in the group and promote employment and understanding of the disabled in areas related to D&I.
MASUMI ICHIMOTO市本 真澄アクセンチュア テクノロジー コンサルティング本部 アソシエイト・ディレクターMASUMI ICHIMOTO市本 真澄アクセンチュア テクノロジー コンサルティング本部 アソシエイト・ディレクター
またGender Equality(ジェンダーに起因する差別の廃止)の活動においては、性別に関わらず、子供を持つ社員向けの復職支援プログラムを展開。この活動によりUK Yahoo Financeの「The HERoes Women Role Model Lists 2020」に選出。
アクセンチュアの企業市民活動では「障がいのある方の自立支援プロジェクト」を担当し、福祉事業所で働く障がいのある方が作るequaltoブランド商品の普及に努める。Joined Accenture as a new graduate.
Responsible for IT consulting, system introduction, and maintenance centered on high-tech companies.
Currently, in charge of inclusion and diversity at Accenture and Technology Consulting Headquarters to promote employment and human resource development of disabled employees. Engaged in engineering and project management at the headquarters.
In addition, in Gender Equality activities, she has developed a rehabilitation support program for employees with children regardless of gender. Through this activity, she was selected as “the HERoes Women Role Model Lists 2020” by US Yahoo Finance.
In Accenture’s corporate civic activities, she is in charge of the “Self-reliance Support Project for Persons with Disabilities” and strives to promote Equalto brand products made by people with disabilities working in welfare centers. -
TAKAYA MATSUDA松田 崇弥ヘラルボニー 代表取締役社長TAKAYA MATSUDA松田 崇弥ヘラルボニー 代表取締役社長
株式会社ヘラルボニー 代表取締役・CEO 小山薫堂が率いる企画会社オレンジ・アンド・パートナーズ、プランナーを経て独立。「異彩を、放て。」をミッションに掲げる福祉実験ユニットを双子と共に設立。岩手と東京の2拠点を軸に福祉領域のアップデートに挑む。ヘラルボニーのクリエイティブを統括。日本を変える30歳未満の30人「Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN」受賞。日本オープンイノベーション大賞「環境大臣賞」受賞。https://www.heralbony.jp/
He became independent after working as a planner for Orange & Partners, a planning company led by Kundo Koyama. He established a welfare experiment unit with his twins under the mission of “Let go of your excellence.” They are trying to update the welfare area around Iwate and Tokyo. He supervised the creative role of “HERALBONY”
He won Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN. Also received the Minister of the Environment Award at the Japan Open Innovation Awards. https://www.heralbony.jp/