KEITA KUBO久保 圭太PR Table PRマネージャーKEITA KUBO久保 圭太PR Table PRマネージャー
北海道札幌出身。二児の父。 PRSJ認定PRプランナー。 インターネット広告企業にて広告企画営業、人事戦略、PRの責任者を経て、2018年よりPR Tableに参画。 カンファレンスやオウンドメディア発信などでPublic Relationsの探究活動を行いながら、コンサルタントとして導入企業様向けのコンテンツ企画・活用支援に従事。 その後、CS組織の立ち上げ・マネージャーを経て現職。
From Sapporo, Hokkaido.Father of two kids. PRSJ certified PR planner. After being experienced as the head of advertising planning and sales, personnel strategy, and PR at an Internet advertising company, he participated in the PR Table from 2018. Engaged in content planning and utilization support for introducing companies as a consultant while conducting public relations research activities such as conferences and broadcasting on media. After that, he started a CS organization and worked as a manager.
SONOKO IGARASHI五十嵐 苑子グロービス ディレクターSONOKO IGARASHI五十嵐 苑子グロービス ディレクター
As an organizational development and human resource development consultant in Globis’ corporate sector, she supports organizational development, leadership development, and the establishment of a human resource evaluation system. The industries in charge include finance, IT, communications, retail, trading, automobile, and manufacturers. She teaches strategy, marketing, logical thinking, and leadership and develops leadership. Prior to her participation in Globis, she worked for an English risk management consulting firm to support Japanese companies’ overseas expansion. Also leads project management for cross-border businesses in eight countries. She graduated from Sophia University’s Faculty of Literature and Master of Business Administration at Manchester Business School.
MIKA TAKAHARA高原 美香ボッシュ 人事部門 ボッシュトレーニングセンタージャパン マネージャーMIKA TAKAHARA高原 美香ボッシュ 人事部門 ボッシュトレーニングセンタージャパン マネージャー
大学卒業後、ボッシュ株式会社に入社。HRビジネスパートナ―として、複数の事業部の人材戦略や新規事業部門の立ち上げに携わる。その後、ボッシュエンジニアリング株式会社に人事責任者として出向し、人事全般を担当。現在は、ボッシュ・グループ全世界で共通の研修の日本への導入・実施や、日本独自のニーズに合わせた研修の企画・運営、コンピテンスマネジメントに関する事業部へのコンサルテーション、ならびに日本のボッシュ・グループのストラテジーの一つである「Learning Culture(学び続ける姿勢)」の浸透に取り組んでいる。
After graduating from university, she joined Bosch Corporation. As an HR business partner, she was involved in the human resource strategy of multiple divisions and the establishment of new divisions. After that, she was transferred to Bosch Engineering Co., Ltd. as a personnel manager and was in charge of personnel affairs in general. Currently, Bosch Group is working on introducing and implementing common training in Japan, planning and operating training in accordance with Japan’s unique needs, consulting with its business department on competence management, and penetrating Japan’s Bosch Group’s strategy.
AYA NAKANO中野 亜耶P&G ジャパンベビーケアブランドディレクターAYA NAKANO中野 亜耶P&G ジャパンベビーケアブランドディレクター
She joined the P&G in 2008 as a fresh graduate and spent her first four years as a brand manager for the sanitary brand Whispers in Japan and Singapore. After that, she moved to the hair care category and was promoted to brand director in 2014. She was in charge of a wide range of brand projects, including mega-brand points, Pantene reconstruction, new premium brands, and hair recipes. Then she moved to Tokyo for her family, where she was in charge of Gillette, a men’s shaving brand, and gave birth to her first child in 2016. When she returned to work in 2017, she was transferred to Kobe headquarters again and transferred to work alone with my children for a year and a half, and after that, she was in charge of the haircare brand again. She gave birth to her second child in 2019. From April 2020, she became the current director of the Pampers brand for infant and child diapers.