REBECCA HUIレベッカ・ホイRoots Studio CEOREBECCA HUIレベッカ・ホイRoots Studio CEO
世界中の先住民族が紡ぐアートなどの文化遺産を、知的財産へとデジタル化し、それをグローバルの買い手とつなぐマーケットプレイスを提供するRoots StudioのCEO。Roots Studioは、アーティストとブランドの間に合意に基づく双方向の架け橋を構築し、アートを制作するコミュニティにオーサーシップ、発言の場や収益を提供している。Roots Studioは、『TeenVogue』『PBS』『MIT Technology Review』『WGSN』『Marie Claire』『The Tatler』『Harper’s Bazaar』『TechCrunch』『Stanford Social Innovation Review』など多数のメディアで紹介実績あり。Forbes 30 Under 30、Cartier Women’s Initiative Laureate、Chanel Foundation recipient、Echoing Green Fellowに選出される。また、MITや世界銀行と協力し、世界各国の政府と文化的な持続可能性について共同研究を行う。レベッカは、フルブライト奨学生、またナショナルジオグラフィックの探検家として、農村部から都市部まで、人間と動物の共存を記録するなど活動は多岐に渡る。
Rebecca is passionate about bridging cultures, and leads Roots Studio, whose mission is to celebrate cultures through beauty and wonder. They have built a consensual 2-way bridge between artists and brands by providing authorship, voice, and revenue to the communities who make the art. Roots Studio has been featured in TeenVogue, PBS, MIT Technology Review, WGSN, Marie Claire, The Tatler, Harper’s Bazaar, TechCrunch, Stanford Social Innovation Review, amongst others. Rebecca is a Forbes 30 Under 30, Cartier Women’s Initiative Laureate, Chanel Foundation recipient, and Echoing Green Fellow. She has worked with numerous governments on cultural sustainability globally with MIT and the World Bank. She began her journey as a Fulbright Scholar and National Geographic Explorer, documenting human-animal coexistence from rural to urban societies.
カナダ・バンクーバー出身。FORAでは、若い女性の意思決定サポートや、女性リーダーのためのネットワーキングコミュニティを提供している。FORAは、若年女性たちが非営利団体の理事会に参加するGirls on Boardというプロジェクトや、G20サミットに先駆けて開催国に世界中から若い女性たちが一同に会するイベント「G(irls)20サミット」などの運営を手掛ける、G(irls)20を前身に持つ。黒人や先住民など民族的マイノリティメンバーの経験、世界中の若者の生活体験、ジェンダーの多様性を考慮した、交差的な視点を盛り込んだプログラムを提供。活動を通して「若い女性リーダーが意思決定の場に全面的に参加し、現状を変えていく」というコアミッションを実現し続けている。また、2010年のオリンピック・パラリンピックのバンクーバー組織委員会では、コーポレート・リレーションズと戦略的パートナーシップを担当したユニークな経験を持つ。
As CEO of Fora, Heather’s career is built around improving the livelihoods of women and girls, both at home in Canada and around the world. Prior to joining Fora, she managed complex, multi-country girls’ education and women’s health interventions across Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America for Right To Play and CARE Canada. She also has the unique experience of having worked in corporate relations and strategic partnerships with the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games. An activist for women’s and girl’s rights, poverty-reduction and senior citizen care, Heather has volunteered for the Kin Club, the YMCA, CARE, Holiday Helpers and the Invictus Games.
NORIKO AKIYAMA秋山 訓子朝日新聞 編集委員NORIKO AKIYAMA秋山 訓子朝日新聞 編集委員
東京大学文学部卒業。ロンドン政治経済学院修士。朝日新聞編集委員。朝日新聞入社後、政治部、経済部、AERA編集部などを経て現職。著書に『ゆっくりやさしく社会を変える NPOで輝く女たち』(講談社)、『女子プロレスラー小畑千代―闘う女の戦後史』(岩波書店)、『不思議の国会・政界用語ノート』(さくら舎)『女は「政治」に向かないの?』(講談社)など。
最新刊は『クラウドファンディングで社会をつくる』(現代書館)。After graduating from university, joined Asahi Shimbun.
And now she worked for the political, economic, and AERA editorial departments.
Master of Political Economy School in London. -
YOHEI AZAKAMI阿座上 陽平ユートピアアグリカルチャー プロデューサー / Zebras and Company 共同創業者YOHEI AZAKAMI阿座上 陽平ユートピアアグリカルチャー プロデューサー / Zebras and Company 共同創業者
Design and implement the entire businesses and brands, such as marketing planning and creative direction, from product of startups, service development to publicity and promotion.
Based on internal and external stakeholders and market/competitive research, he is good at designing brands that can get attention by creating words and design concepts that represent companies. -
KAZUTO ATAKA安宅 和人慶應義塾大学 環境情報学部教授 / ヤフー CSOKAZUTO ATAKA安宅 和人慶應義塾大学 環境情報学部教授 / ヤフー CSO
データサイエンティスト協会理事。マッキンゼーを経て、 2008年からヤフー。 前職のマッキンゼーではマーケティング研究グループのアジア太平洋地域中心メンバーの一人として幅広い商品・事業開発、ブランド再生に関わる。ヤフーでは2012よりCSO。途中データ及び研究開発部門も統括。2016より慶応義塾SFCでデータサイエンスを教え、2018秋より現職(現兼務)。イェール大学脳神経科学PhD。内閣府CSTI基本計画専門調査会委員、同 数理・データサイエンス・AI教育プログラム認定制度検討会 副座長などデータ×AI時代での変革をテーマにした政府委員を多く務める。著書に『イシューからはじめよ』(英治出版、2010)、『シン・ニホン』(ニューズピックス、2020)。
Director of the Data Scientists Association.After McKinsey, Kazuto Ataka moved to Yahoo in 2008. At McKinsey, he had been involved in a wide range of product and business development and brand revitalization as one of the core members of the marketing research group in the Asia-Pacific region.
In charge of CSO at Yahoo since 2012, manage data, research development department.Starting to teach data science at Keio SFC since 2016, and has been a professor of environmental information since the fall of 2018.Yale University neuroscience PhD.He served as a member of the CSTI Basic Plan Research Committee of the Cabinet Office and vice-chairman of the Science, Data Science and AI Education Program Recognition System Review Committee. -
TOSHIKI ABE安部 敏樹Ridilover / リディラバ 代表取締役TOSHIKI ABE安部 敏樹Ridilover / リディラバ 代表取締役
第1回 総務省「NICT起業家甲子園」優勝、「KDDI∞Labo(ムゲンラボ)」第4期 最優秀賞 など、受賞多数。2017年、米誌「Forbes(フォーブス)」が選ぶアジアを代表するU-30選出。著書『いつかリーダーになる君たちへ』(日経BP社)『日本につけるクスリ』(ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン)。Born in 1987.
In 2009, while he was a student at Tokyo University, he established Ridilover, a platform for broadcasting and sharing social problems as a tour.
He’s started teaching start-up classes to first and second graders in the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Liberal Arts since 2012.
So far, he has planned more than 350 kinds of social problems, and more than 10,000 people will be sent to the site of social problems.
In addition, in recent years, research tours have been provided for junior high and high school field trips, training, and corporate human resource development training.
From 2018, the membership-based research and reporting web media “Ridilover Journal” began offering services to convey the structure of social problems.
The government aims to create an environment in which everyone can easily access social issues from various angles.
He won the 1st NICT Entrepreneur Koshien by MIC and the 4th Best Award by KDDI∞Labo.
In 2017, he was selected as Asia’s representative U-30 by Forbes magazine. He is good at catching tuna with his bare hands. -
SONOKO IGARASHI五十嵐 苑子グロービス ディレクターSONOKO IGARASHI五十嵐 苑子グロービス ディレクター
As an organizational development and human resource development consultant in Globis’ corporate sector, she supports organizational development, leadership development, and the establishment of a human resource evaluation system. The industries in charge include finance, IT, communications, retail, trading, automobile, and manufacturers. She teaches strategy, marketing, logical thinking, and leadership and develops leadership. Prior to her participation in Globis, she worked for an English risk management consulting firm to support Japanese companies’ overseas expansion. Also leads project management for cross-border businesses in eight countries. She graduated from Sophia University’s Faculty of Literature and Master of Business Administration at Manchester Business School.
YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳セガサミーホールディングス 執行役員 サスティナビリティ推進室 室長 / セガサミービジネスサポート 代表取締役社長YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳セガサミーホールディングス 執行役員 サスティナビリティ推進室 室長 / セガサミービジネスサポート 代表取締役社長
After serving as a secretary to the President of Tama University, Yuka worked at Pasona Inc. where she was in charge of reconstruction projects after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. After that, she joined Namco Inc. (now NAMCO BANDAI ENTERTAINMENT INC.) and launched an industry-government-academia collaboration business and educational business where she developed a textbook for elementary school students in 2011, which became an unprecedented hit. She then spent six years as General Manager of the New Business Division. She launched a game method consulting business and a venture collaboration project to utilize the talents of game creators in other fields. After serving as a director of NAMCO BANDAI WILL, a special subsidiary for employing people with disabilities, she was appointed to her current position in April 2020. As a representative director of a special subsidiary, he actively promoted measures to promote sustainability in the group and promote employment and understanding of the disabled in areas related to D&I.
MASUMI ICHIMOTO市本 真澄アクセンチュア テクノロジー コンサルティング本部 アソシエイト・ディレクターMASUMI ICHIMOTO市本 真澄アクセンチュア テクノロジー コンサルティング本部 アソシエイト・ディレクター
またGender Equality(ジェンダーに起因する差別の廃止)の活動においては、性別に関わらず、子供を持つ社員向けの復職支援プログラムを展開。この活動によりUK Yahoo Financeの「The HERoes Women Role Model Lists 2020」に選出。
アクセンチュアの企業市民活動では「障がいのある方の自立支援プロジェクト」を担当し、福祉事業所で働く障がいのある方が作るequaltoブランド商品の普及に努める。Joined Accenture as a new graduate.
Responsible for IT consulting, system introduction, and maintenance centered on high-tech companies.
Currently, in charge of inclusion and diversity at Accenture and Technology Consulting Headquarters to promote employment and human resource development of disabled employees. Engaged in engineering and project management at the headquarters.
In addition, in Gender Equality activities, she has developed a rehabilitation support program for employees with children regardless of gender. Through this activity, she was selected as “the HERoes Women Role Model Lists 2020” by US Yahoo Finance.
In Accenture’s corporate civic activities, she is in charge of the “Self-reliance Support Project for Persons with Disabilities” and strives to promote Equalto brand products made by people with disabilities working in welfare centers. -
YOICHI ITO伊藤 羊一Zアカデミア学長 / 武蔵野大学アントレプレナーシップ学部 学部長YOICHI ITO伊藤 羊一Zアカデミア学長 / 武蔵野大学アントレプレナーシップ学部 学部長
Graduated from the economics department of the University of Tokyo, joined the Industrial Bank of Japan in 1990, engaged in corporate finance, bond liquidity, corporate revitalization support, etc.After turning positive in 2003, he was in charge of logistics reorganization, marketing, business reorganization and revitalization at Jointex Company, and served as Executive Director of Marketing and Vice President, where he was involved in management and new business development.He switched to Yahoo in April 2015, and is currently the president of Z Academia and Yahoo! Academia to develop the next generation of leaders of Z Holdings and Yahoo.He will also lead the development of leadership as a representative of Wayne and a visiting professor at Globis School of Management.In order to foster the entrepreneurship of the younger generation, Musashino University opened the Faculty of Entrepreneurship (Musashino EMC) in April 2021 and became dean.
ZUIKI INADA稲田 ズイキ称名寺副住職・煩悩クリエイター・フリースタイルな僧侶たち編集長ZUIKI INADA稲田 ズイキ称名寺副住職・煩悩クリエイター・フリースタイルな僧侶たち編集長
Born in 1992. He is a deputy priest of Tsukinakayama Shomeiji Temple in Kumiyama-cho, Kyoto. After graduating from Doshisha University, he joined a digital agency in Tokyo. In 2018, he became independent as a worldly creator and planned the Temple Musical Film Festival Te La Land and the Lost Heart Purification Bar, and for half the year 2019, he will practice sleeping and pilgrimage to other people’s homes all over Japan (after becoming a priest and running away from home. In 2021, he became the third editor-in-chief of “Freestyle Monks.”
KAZUTAKA INOUE井上 一鷹Sun Asterisk Business Development Section ManagerKAZUTAKA INOUE井上 一鷹Sun Asterisk Business Development Section Manager
慶應大学理工学部応用化学科卒業後、戦略コンサルティングファームのアーサー・D・リトルにて大手製造業を中心とした事業戦略、技術経営戦略、人事組織戦略の立案に従事後、ジンズに入社。眼鏡型デバイスJINS MEMEの技術開発~事業開発/事業化し、事業部長に従事、また新規事業ワークスペース事業の株式会社Think Labの取締役に従事。その後、ジンズの経営企画管掌の執行役員に従事後、2021年10月に、日本の新規事業開発の量と質を爆上げすべく、Sun*に参画し、新しいチャレンジしていくことに。算数オリンピックではアジア4位になったこともある。著書「深い集中を取り戻せ」「集中力 パフォーマンスを300倍にする働き方」。Newspicks プロピッカー、経済産業省始動PJにて新規事業メンターを4年間。
After graduating from Keio University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kazutaka Inoue joined JINS after working on business strategies, technology management strategies, and personnel organization strategies centered on major manufacturing industries at Strategic consulting firm “Arthur D.Little.”
Engaged in Technology development of JINS MEME, business development/commercialization, and director of “Think Lab”, a new business workspace business.After working as an executive officer in charge of management planning at JINS, decided to participate in “Sun*” and take on new challenges in October 2021 to explode the amount and quality of new business development in Japan.Got fourth place in Asia at the Arithmetic Olympics.Professional picker of “Newspicks”,In charge of new business mentor in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry PJ for 4 years. -
AKIE IRIYAMA入山 章栄早稲田大学大学院 早稲田大学ビジネススクール 教授AKIE IRIYAMA入山 章栄早稲田大学大学院 早稲田大学ビジネススクール 教授
慶應義塾大学経済学部卒業、同大学院経済学研究科修士課程修了。三菱総合研究所で、主に自動車メーカー・国内外政府機関への調査・コンサルティング業務に従事した後、2008年に米ピッツバーグ大学経営大学院よりPh.D.D.(博士号)を取得。同年より米ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校ビジネススクール助教授。2013年より早稲田大学大学院 早稲田大学ビジネススクール准教授。2019年より教授。専門は経営学。『Strategic Management Journal』など国際的な主要経営学術誌に論文を多数発表。著書は『世界標準の経営理論』(ダイヤモンド社)、『世界の経営学者はいま何を考えているのか』(英治出版)『ビジネススクールでは学べない 世界最先端の経営学』(日経BP 社)他。テレビ東京『ワールドビジネスサテライト』のコメンテーターを務めるなど、メディアでも活発な情報発信を行っている
Joined WBS in 2013. Prior to joining WBS, he served as an assistant professor of State University of New York at Buffalo, United States, for five years. He received MA and BA in economics from Keio University, Japan, and Ph.D. from University of Pittsb urgh, United States.Professor Iriyama has broad research interests in strategic management, international business, and entrepreneurship. He has widely published in premier academic journals including Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Int ernational Business Studies, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Global Strategy Journal, and so on. Before pursuing his academic career, Professor Iriyama worked for Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc., a leading
research/consulting company in Ja pan, as an industry economist/business consultant. Academic Degrees
Ph.D. in Management, University of Pittsburgh, United States, 2008 MA in Economics, Keio University, Japan, 1998, BA in Economics, Keio University, Japan, 1996 -
CHIZUKO UENO上野 千鶴子社会学者・東京大学名誉教授・認定NPO法人ウィメンズアクションネットワーク(WAN)理事長CHIZUKO UENO上野 千鶴子社会学者・東京大学名誉教授・認定NPO法人ウィメンズアクションネットワーク(WAN)理事長
とり。高齢者の介護とケアも研究テーマとしている。1994年『近 代家族の成立 と終焉』 (岩波書店)でサントリー学芸賞受賞。2011年度、「朝日賞」受賞。2019年、フィンランド共和国Hän Honours受賞。撮影 / 菅野勝男
Chizuko Ueno is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo, ph. D. in sociology. Born in 1948 and graduated from Graduate School of Kyoto University, with teaching experiences at various universities in and out of Japan. Pioneering in women’s studies and gender studies in Japan, she currently takes a position of a chief Director of NPO Women’s Action Network. Her fields cover a wide range from sexuality to women’s labor and ageing. Her major works are Patriarchy and Capitalism (1990), Sociology of Care (1911) among other numerous writings. She has two books in English translation, Nationalism and Gender (2004) and Modern Family in Japan: Its Rise and Fall (2009). Received Suntory Academic Prize in 1994, Asahi Award for her contribution to feminism and studies on care in 2011, and Hän Honor by the Finish government in 2019.
OUSSOUBY SACKOウスビ・サコ京都精華大学 学長OUSSOUBY SACKOウスビ・サコ京都精華大学 学長
1966年、マリ共和国生まれ。 国の奨学金を得て中国に留学。北京語言大学、 東南大学で建築学を学ぶ。1990年、東京で短期のホームステイを経験し、マリに共通するような下町の文化に驚く。91年来日、99年京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻博士課程修了。博士(工学)。専門は空間人類学。「京都の町家再生」「コミュニティ再生」など社会と建築の関係性を様々な角度から調査研究している。2001年に京都精華大学人文学部教員に着任。2018年4月同大学学長就任。共著書に『知のリテラシー文化』(ナカニシヤ出版)、『現代アフリカ文化の今』(青幻舎)、著書に『「これからの世界」を生きる君に伝えたいこと』(大和書房)、『アフリカ出身 サコ学長、日本を語る』、(朝日新聞出版)『アフリカ人学長、京都修行中』(文藝春秋)など。
Born in the Republic of Mali in 1966.
Studied in China on a national scholarship.
He majored in architecture at Beijing Language University and Southeast University.
In 1990, he experienced a short homestay in Tokyo and was surprised by the common downtown culture in Mali.
He came to Japan in 1991 and completed his Ph.D. in Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University in 1999.
Doctor of Engineering, specializing in spatial anthropology.
The relationship between society and architecture such as “Kyoto Machiya Revitalization” and “Community Revitalization” is being investigated from various angles.
In 2001, he became a professor of humanities at Kyoto Seika University.
In April 2018, he became president of Kyoto Seika University. -
MASAKO EGAWA江川 雅子一橋大学大学院経営管理研究科特任教授MASAKO EGAWA江川 雅子一橋大学大学院経営管理研究科特任教授
東京大学教養学部卒業。ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール修了(MBA)。一橋大学大学院商学研究科博士課程修了(商学博士)。1986~2001年ニューヨーク及び東京にて外資系投資銀行でM&A、資金調達業務に従事。ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール日本リサーチ・センター長を経て、2009年より東京大学理事(初めての女性理事)として大学経営に携わる。2015年一橋大学大学院経営管理研究科教授、2020年より現職。現在、東京海上ホールディングス株式会社、三井物産株式会社の社外取締役、及び日本証券業協会副会長・自主規制会議議長を務める。政府税制調査会、財政制度等審議会、産業構造審議会(グリーンイノベーションプロジェクト部会)、世界経済フォーラムGlobal Agenda Council、ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール Japan Advisory Board などの委員を歴任。著書に『現代コーポレートガバナンス』『株主を重視しない経営』『ケーススタディ日本企業事例集』(共著)などがある。
MASAMI OKAWA大川 政美YouTuber ミュータントウェーブ メンバーMASAMI OKAWA大川 政美YouTuber ミュータントウェーブ メンバー
Retired at the age of 23 after working as a Nadeshiko League female soccer player. And started treatment at the same time as retired, finished changing the family register at the age of 27, and is now living as a man.
He has been active as Mutant Wave, a YouTuber, since August 2021 while maintaining the facilities’ network environment. -
YU OSHIMA大嶋 悠生YouTuber ミュータントウェーブ リーダーYU OSHIMA大嶋 悠生YouTuber ミュータントウェーブ リーダー
Retired at the age of 27 after working as a Nadeshiko League female soccer player. Started treatment at the same time as retired, finished changing the family register just before he turn 30, and now living as a man.
After working as a sales manager for a venture company, he has been working as Mutant Wave, a YouTuber since August 2021. -
ETSUKO OKAJIMA岡島 悦子プロノバ 代表取締役社長ETSUKO OKAJIMA岡島 悦子プロノバ 代表取締役社長
経営チーム強化コンサルタント、ヘッドハンター、リーダー育成のプロ。年間200名超の経営者のリーダーシップ開発を行う。三菱商事、ハーバードMBA、マッキンゼー、グロービス・グループを経て、2007年プロノバ設立。丸井グループ、セプテーニ・ホールディングス、マネーフォワード、ランサーズ、ヤプリにて社外取締役。20年12月より、ユーグレナの取締役CHRO(非常勤)に就任。世界経済フォーラムから「Young Global Leaders 2007」に選出。著書に『40歳が社長になる日』(幻冬舎)他。株式会社ユーグレナ 取締役CHRO(非常勤)
Professional of Management team reinforcement consultant, headhunter, and leadership development.In charge of leadership development of more than 200 managers annually.After working for Mitsubishi Corporation, Harvard MBA, McKinsey, and Globis Group, established “Pronova” in 2007.Also stand in outside directors at Marui Group, Septeni Holdings, Money Forward, Lancers and Yapuri.Since December 2008, she became a part-time director/CHRO of Euglena. Selected as “Young Global Leaders 2007” by the World Economic Forum.Director/CHRO (Part-time) of Euglena Corporation
Commentator.Ogiue Chiki was Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1981. Focusing on media theory, discuss political economy, social issues and cultural phenomena. Representative Director of NPO corporations Stop bullying! Navi. Main personality of the radio program Ogami Chiki Session (TBS Radio).2015 and 2016 Galaxy Awards (DJ Personality Awards and Radio Awards).
SHINKO OSADA長田 新子渋谷未来デザイン 理事・事務局次長SHINKO OSADA長田 新子渋谷未来デザイン 理事・事務局次長
AT&T、ノキアにて情報通信及び企業システム・サービスの営業、マーケティング及び広報責任者を経て、2007年にレッドブル・ジャパン入社。最初の3年間をコミュニケーション統括、2010年から7年半をマーケティング本部長(CMO)として、日本におけるエナジードリンクのカテゴリー確立及びレッドブルブランドと製品を日本市場で浸透させるべく従事し、2017年に退社し独立。2018年4月より現職。その他、NEW KIDS株式会社代表として、企業ブランド、コミュニティ・アスリート・イベント関連のアドバイザーやマーケターキャリア協会の理事としてキャリア支援活動を行なっている。初の著書『アスリート×ブランド 感動と興奮を分かち合うスポーツシーンのつくり方』(宣伝会議)を2020年5月に出版。
Joined Red Bull Japan in 2007 after working as a sales, marketing and public relations officer for information and communications and corporate systems services at AT&T and Nokia.
She led communication for the first three years and worked as marketing director (CMO) for seven and a half years from 2010, establishing categories of energy drinks in Japan, and penetrating Red Bull brands and products in the Japanese market.
Has been in Shibuya Mirai Design Co., Ltd. since April 2018.
In addition, as a representative of NEW KIDS Co., Ltd., she is engaged in career support activities as an advisor to corporate brands, community athletes, and events, and as a director of the Marketer Career Association. -
HARUNA KATAYAMA片山 晴菜King's College London 脳神経科学修士課程HARUNA KATAYAMA片山 晴菜King's College London 脳神経科学修士課程
札幌で生まれ育つも地元の高校を中退し、経団連奨学生としてUWC-USA (米ニューメキシコ州) に留学。2017年に日本人初の学生としてミネルバ大学に進学、学部4年間で世界7都市を廻る。学部時代に独自に SexTech 市場のガイドブックを執筆したり、立ち上げ期のスタートアップに参画し日本のフェムテック市場の火付けに寄与したりする中で、女性の性機能障害に対する効果的な介入が確立されていないことを学ぶ。現在は英 King’s College London 脳神経学部修士課程に在籍し、脳のレンズから性機能について探求している。第 1 期柳井正財団海外奨学金プログラム奨学生および孫正義育英財団正財団生にも選出されている。
Haruna Katayama left her hometown in northern Japan at the age of 16 to pursue education with students from 90 countries in a high desert of New Mexico.Then she joined a new, experimental undergrad program called Minerva Schools at KGI (current Minerva University) as its first Japanese student. Over the course of four years during which she lived and worked in six countries, Haruna had been exposed to multitudes of societal norms but realised one common thing across cultures: stigma around sex. In April 2021, she published the world’s first extensive market report on the SexTech industry in an effort to normalise and democratise pleasure. Currently, she is pursuing a Neuroscience Masters program at King’s College London, where she strives to further her understanding of neural underpinnings of female sexual function. Haruna is also a 1st-gen fellow at Yanai Tadashi Foundation and MasaSon Foundation, led by the UNIQLO and the Softbank Group chairman.
YUKIKO KATO加藤 有紀子リンクス 代表取締役社長YUKIKO KATO加藤 有紀子リンクス 代表取締役社長
After working as a corporate planning manager in France for ten years and as COO of the Japan branch of a global group, she started her own business.
Has been involved in the establishment and management of five companies so far. In addition to being Founder/CEO of Lynx Business Development, a business development consulting company, she serves as COO/Board member of e-Gle, an EV development venture.
Researching discrete mathematics at Tokyo Institute of Technology: has been writing papers and giving presentations at conferences. Part-time lecturer at Sophia University. -
YASUYUKI KAMATA鎌田 恭幸鎌倉投信 代表取締役社長YASUYUKI KAMATA鎌田 恭幸鎌倉投信 代表取締役社長
Born in Shimane Prefecture, after graduating from university, Yasuyuki Kamata worked for a Japanese trust bank and a foreign management company and was consistently involved in asset management. Established Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd. in November 2008.While cherishing dialogue with customers, they carefully invest in “good companies” from their own perspective, and aim to realize “the realization and joy of investors’ economic affluence and sustainable social development.”
SHIN KIKUCHI菊池 紳いきものカンパニー 代表取締役SHIN KIKUCHI菊池 紳いきものカンパニー 代表取締役
生命・資源・生態系を深く学ぶ『LIFE University』プロデューサー。”Planetary Good”を掲げ、自然科学や生命科学をベースとした、地球にも人にも良い社会作りを進める事業家・研究者。農業・食料分野の起業家としても知られる。慶應義塾大学SFC研究所 上席所員。農林水産省生物多様性戦略 検討委員。グッドデザイン金賞など受賞多数。
Producer of ”LIFE University”, learns deeply about life, resources, and ecosystems.
He is an entrepreneur and researcher who promotes the creation of a good society for both the earth and people which suggest as ”Planetary Good”, based on natural and life sciences.
He is also known as an entrepreneur in agriculture and food.
A senior staff member of Keio University’s SFC Laboratory.
A member of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries’ Biodiversity Strategy Review Committee.
Have got many awards such as the Good Design Gold Award. -
KINOKOきのコポリーラウンジ幹事 / 文筆家KINOKOきのコポリーラウンジ幹事 / 文筆家
Tweets by kinoko1027Born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1983. Graduate School of Humanities, Kyushu University.
Under the agreement of all parties concerned, she is working on the theme of love, sex, partnership, communication, etc. by coming out as a “polyamory” who socializes with multiple partners at the same time. A member of the board of directors of the Poly Lounge, an exchange meeting for people interested in Polyamory. -
TAKAYUKI KIYOTA清田 隆之桃山商事 文筆業TAKAYUKI KIYOTA清田 隆之桃山商事 文筆業
Born in Tokyo in 1980.Representative of Momoyama Shoji, a literary and “Koibana” (Love gossip) collection unit. He graduated from Waseda University’s First Faculty of Literature. So far, more than 1,200 “Koibana” have been collected and broadcast on columns and radio under the theme of “Love and Gender.” He contributed to a wide range of media including QJ Web, Nikkei doors, clinical psychology, Subaru, and modern thought. He is also a respondent in Asahi Shimbun’s life counseling service.
KEITA KUBO久保 圭太PR Table PRマネージャーKEITA KUBO久保 圭太PR Table PRマネージャー
北海道札幌出身。二児の父。 PRSJ認定PRプランナー。 インターネット広告企業にて広告企画営業、人事戦略、PRの責任者を経て、2018年よりPR Tableに参画。 カンファレンスやオウンドメディア発信などでPublic Relationsの探究活動を行いながら、コンサルタントとして導入企業様向けのコンテンツ企画・活用支援に従事。 その後、CS組織の立ち上げ・マネージャーを経て現職。
From Sapporo, Hokkaido.Father of two kids. PRSJ certified PR planner. After being experienced as the head of advertising planning and sales, personnel strategy, and PR at an Internet advertising company, he participated in the PR Table from 2018. Engaged in content planning and utilization support for introducing companies as a consultant while conducting public relations research activities such as conferences and broadcasting on media. After that, he started a CS organization and worked as a manager.
SHIGEO KUWABARA桑原 茂雄イーデザイン損害保険 取締役社長SHIGEO KUWABARA桑原 茂雄イーデザイン損害保険 取締役社長
1989年 東京海上火災保険(現東京海上日動火災保険)入社。2015年よりビジネスプロセス改革部長として、同社の業務改革を主導。 2017年 東京海上日動火災保険 理事に就任。2018年よりイーデザイン損害保険株式会社の取締役社長に就任。
In 1989, he joined Tokyo Marine & Fire Insurance (now Tokyo Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance).
In 2015, led the company’s business reform as a business process reform manager.
In 2017, he became a director of Nippon Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. at Tokyo Marine & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.
He became the president of E-Design Non-Life Insurance Co., Ltd. in 2018. -
ハンガリー出身。東京大学教養学部卒業後、ストラテジストとしてJWTに入社。2006年アメリカの本社に転勤になり、ニューヨークと東京を拠点に5大陸のFortune 500及び日系大手企業の事業戦略・マーケティング戦略を手掛けて来た。その後Hult Ashridge 大学でMBAを取得、電通を経てアーンスト・アンド・ヤング(EY)に入社、2017年に日本に戻る。Netflixを経て、2019年12月から現職。
Born in Hungary.After graduating from the Faculty of Education at the University of Tokyo, she joined JWT as a strategist.In 2006, she was transferred to the U.S. headquarters and worked on the Fortune 500 and Japanese conglomerates’ business and marketing strategies based in New York and Tokyo.After that, she earned an MBA from Hult Ashridge University, joined Earnst & Young (EY) through Dentsu, and returned to Japan in 2017.After career in Netflix, she became CMO of Paidy Corporation from December 2019.
20世紀FOX映画(現20世紀スタジオ)にてインターネットマーケティングを担当。その後、スウェーデン発のクリエイティブエージェンシーGREAT WORKS上海支社にてCOOなどを経て現職。現在は、グローバル刃物メーカー貝印のマーケティング本部広報宣伝部にて宣伝次長を務める。
In charge of Internet marketing at 20th Century Fox Film (now 20th Century Studio).
After that, he worked as COO at the Great Works Shanghai branch of the creative agency from Sweden.
Currently, he is working as a deputy propaganda officer at the marketing headquarters of the global tool maker Kai Corporation. -
KENTARO SAKAKIBARA榊原 健太郎サムライインキュベート 代表取締役KENTARO SAKAKIBARA榊原 健太郎サムライインキュベート 代表取締役
1974年、名古屋生まれ。関西大学卒業後、大手医療機器メーカーや創業期のアクシブドットコム(現 VOYAGE GROUP)等を経て、2008年にサムライインキュベートを設立。「できるできないでなく、やるかやらないかで世界を変える」を理念に掲げ、2009年にファンドを組成。創業期の起業家から投資・成長支援をするVC事業をスタート。現在、ファンドを8つ運営し、国内外のスタートアップ累計210社以上に投資・成長支援を実施。2014年にイスラエルへ移住してブランチを開設。2015年頃より、0→1事業立ち上げ支援のノウハウを活かして、日本の大手企業のイノベーション支援を行う事業を本格スタート。2018年にアフリカ拠点の子会社を設立。著書に「20代の起業論」がある。
Born in Nagoya in 1974.
After graduating from Kansai University, he established “Samurai Incubate” in 2008 after major medical device manufacturers and experience at dotcoms (now VOYAGE GROUP).
He established the fund in 2009 with the philosophy of “Changing the world not whether you Can or Can’t, but Do or Don’t.”
Started a VC business that supports investment and growth from entrepreneurs in the startup stage.
Currently, he operates eight funds and provides investment and growth support to more than 210 domestic and international startups. In 2014, he moved to Israel to open a branch.
Starting around 2015, he started a full-scale project to support the innovation of major Japanese companies by utilizing the know-how of 0→1 business start-up support.
Established a subsidiary based in Africa in 2018. -
YASUHIRO SASAKI佐々木 康裕Lobsterr Publishing 共同創業者 / TakramYASUHIRO SASAKI佐々木 康裕Lobsterr Publishing 共同創業者 / Takram
クリエイティブイノベーションファームTakramでデザインとビジネスの知見を組み合わせた領域横断的なアプローチでクリエイティブ戦略、事業コンセプト立案などに従事する傍ら、2019年3月にスローメディア「Lobsterr」を共同創業。ニュースレターやPodcast、書籍など多様なフォーマットを横断する新しいメディアの形を模索している。著者/共著に『いくつもの月曜日』(Lobsterr Publishing)、『D2C 「世界観」と「テクノロジー」で勝つブランド戦略 』(NewsPicksパブリッシング)、『パーパス 「意義化」する経済とその先』(同)等。ベンチャーキャピタルMiraiseの投資家メンター、グロービス経営大学院の客員講師(デザイン経営)も務める。
While engaged in creative strategy and business concept planning with a cross-domain approach that combines design and business knowledge at “Takram”, he co-founded Slow Media “Lobsterr” in March 2019. They are looking for new forms of media that span a variety of formats, including newsletters, podcasts, and books. He is also an investor mentor at the venture capital Miraise and a guest lecturer at Globis School of Management.
MAKIKO SHINODA篠田 真貴子エール 取締役MAKIKO SHINODA篠田 真貴子エール 取締役
エール取締役。社外人材によるオンライン 1on 1を通じて、組織改革を進める企業を支援している。2020年3月のエール参画以前は、日本長期信用銀行、マッキンゼー、ノバルティス、ネスレを経て、2008年〜2018年ほぼ日取締役CFO。退任後「ジョブレス」期間を約1年設けた。慶應義塾大学経済学部卒、米ペンシルバニア大ウォートン校MBA、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大国際関係論修士。人と組織の関係や女性活躍に関心を寄せ続けている。『ALLIANCE アライアンス―――人と企業が信頼で結ばれる新しい雇用』監訳。
Makiko Shinoda is a board member and leader of Yell, Inc. which provides one-on-one listening sessions online. Previously, she served for ten years as CFO and board member of Hobonichi. During her tenure at Hobonichi, Makiko lead the company’s IPO in March 2017. She also co-translated “The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age” by Reid Hoffman et al. Prior to Hobonichi, Makiko held finance leadership positions at Novartis and Nestle after her experience at McKinsey & Company and the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan. She earned her MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, MA in International Relations from SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, and Bachelor of Economics from Keio University. Makiko serves on the board of Specified Nonprofit Corporation Kamonohashi Project and UWC ISAK Japan.
MINAKO SUEMATSU末松 弥奈子ジャパンタイムズ 代表取締役会長兼社長MINAKO SUEMATSU末松 弥奈子ジャパンタイムズ 代表取締役会長兼社長
1993年 学習院大学大学院修士課程修了後、インターネット関連ビジネスで起業。2001年株式会社ニューズ・ツー・ユー(現ニューズ・ツー・ユーホールディングス)を設立。2017年ジャパンタイムズの代表取締役会長・発行人に就任。2020年4月日本初の文科省認定の全寮制小学校 神石インターナショナルスクールを広島県神石高原町に開校、理事長に就任。
After completing her master’s degree at Gakushuin University in 1993, she started her own business on the Internet.In 2001, she established News to You (now News to You Holdings).In 2017, she became chairman and publisher of the Japan Times.In April 2020, the first boarding elementary school recognized by the Ministry of Education in Japan opened in Kamishitakahara Town, Hiroshima Prefecture, and became president.
SUZUMI SUZUKI鈴木 涼美フリーランスライターSUZUMI SUZUKI鈴木 涼美フリーランスライター
MIWA SEKI関 美和MPower Partners ゼネラル・パートナーMIWA SEKI関 美和MPower Partners ゼネラル・パートナー
Miwa Seki is a former Japanese growth equity portfolio manager with Clay Finlay, and she previously worked in investment banking for Morgan Stanley. She has translated over 50 business/entrepreneurship publications, and is also an associate professor of Kyorin University. Miwa earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA from Keio University.
MIKA TAKAHARA高原 美香ボッシュ 人事部門 ボッシュトレーニングセンタージャパン マネージャーMIKA TAKAHARA高原 美香ボッシュ 人事部門 ボッシュトレーニングセンタージャパン マネージャー
大学卒業後、ボッシュ株式会社に入社。HRビジネスパートナ―として、複数の事業部の人材戦略や新規事業部門の立ち上げに携わる。その後、ボッシュエンジニアリング株式会社に人事責任者として出向し、人事全般を担当。現在は、ボッシュ・グループ全世界で共通の研修の日本への導入・実施や、日本独自のニーズに合わせた研修の企画・運営、コンピテンスマネジメントに関する事業部へのコンサルテーション、ならびに日本のボッシュ・グループのストラテジーの一つである「Learning Culture(学び続ける姿勢)」の浸透に取り組んでいる。
After graduating from university, she joined Bosch Corporation. As an HR business partner, she was involved in the human resource strategy of multiple divisions and the establishment of new divisions. After that, she was transferred to Bosch Engineering Co., Ltd. as a personnel manager and was in charge of personnel affairs in general. Currently, Bosch Group is working on introducing and implementing common training in Japan, planning and operating training in accordance with Japan’s unique needs, consulting with its business department on competence management, and penetrating Japan’s Bosch Group’s strategy.
MICHIKO TADAMATSU只松 観智子Think Impacts 代表取締役MICHIKO TADAMATSU只松 観智子Think Impacts 代表取締役
外資系金融機関、外資系コンサルティングファームを経て現職。ESG・ダイバーシティ経営戦略立案、ジェンダー・人権デューデリジェンス、取締役会改革等のビジネスコンサルティングに加え、女性起業家やジェンダー平等を目的として活動するNPO等の経営支援を社会的価値創造活動として展開。30% Club Japan創設者。特定非営利活動法人 Gender Action Platform 理事。
Have experienced in a foreign financial institution and foreign consulting firm and now become CEO of “Think Impacts”. In addition to business consulting such as ESG diversity management strategy planning, gender and human rights due diligence, and board reform, she develop management support for female entrepreneurs and NPOs working for gender equality as social value creation activities.Founder of 30 % Club Japan.Director of Gender Action Platform, a non-profit organization.
YOSHITAKA TABUCHI田淵 良敬Zebras and Company 共同創業者 / 代表取締役YOSHITAKA TABUCHI田淵 良敬Zebras and Company 共同創業者 / 代表取締役
Has been engaged in impact investment at home and abroad for about 10 years.Based on this experience, he provides praxis investment with support for vision/mission setting and strategy development, organization creation, leader development, and management judgment using impact indicators. Fields of expertise: Conceptualizing businesses from a global experience, industry-academia network to a global trend perspective, management support, and composition of overseas partners.
SAYAKA TANAKA田中 沙弥果Waffle Co-Founder / CEOSAYAKA TANAKA田中 沙弥果Waffle Co-Founder / CEO
1991年生まれ。2017年NPO法人みんなのコード入社。文部科学省後援事業に従事したほか、全国20都市以上の教育委員会と連携し学校の先生がプログラミング教育を授業で実施するために事業推進。2019年にIT分野のジェンダーギャップを埋めるために一般社団法人Waffleを設立。2020年には日本政府主催の国際女性会議WAW!2020にユース代表として選出。2020年Forbes JAPAN誌「世界を変える30歳未満30人」受賞。内閣府 若者円卓会議 委員。
Sayaka Tanaka was born in 1991.Joined the NPO corporation’s “Code for Everyone” in 2017.In addition to being involved in a project sponsored by the MEXT; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, promoted the project of invoking programming education by school teachers in general class with boards of education in more than 20 cities nationwide. Established general incorporate association “Waffle” in 2019 to bridge the gender gap in the IT field.Selected as a youth representative at the “International Women’s Congress WAW! 2020” sponsored by the Japanese government.Awarded in 2020 Forbes Japan magazine “30 people under the age of 30 who change the world”.Member of the Cabinet Office’s “Youth Roundtable.”
SUSUMU TSUBAKI椿 進Asia Africa Investment and Consulting(AAIC) 代表取締役/代表パートナーSUSUMU TSUBAKI椿 進Asia Africa Investment and Consulting(AAIC) 代表取締役/代表パートナー
ボストンコンサルティンググループ(BCG)、パートナー・マネージングダイレクターとして、ハイテク、情報通信、インターネット、メディア・コンテンツ分野において、事業戦略、M&A戦略、新事業立ち上げ、グローバリゼーション等のプロジェクトを実施。95年-96年にはサンフランシスコオフィス勤務。大手通信会社、大手携帯電話会社、大手電機メーカー、大手ハイテク部材企業、大手ゲーム会社、大手テレビ局、IT・ネット企業、消費財企業などのコンサルティングを15年にわたって経験。2006年より上場会社代表取締役社長に就任。タカラトミー、竜の子プロダクション、アトラス 等 などの社外取締役を歴任。2008年に現アジア・アフリカ・インベストメント&コンサルティング(AAIC)社を創業。代表取締役社長/代表パートナー就任中国・東南アジア・インド・中東・アフリカなどの新興国において、新規事業育成、市場参入支援、M&Aおよびパートナー探索支援、事業転換支援など、コンサルティングと投資を通じて実施。2014年には日本初のアフリカ専用のファンドを組成。現在はアフリカ・ヘルスケア・ファンド(AHF)を運営中。『超加速経済アフリカ: LEAPFROGで変わる未来のビジネス地図(東洋経済新報社)』『日本企業のグローバル戦略入門(プレジデント社)共著』他執筆・ 講演多数。
As a partner and managing director at The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Susumu Tsubaki worked on projects such as business strategies, M&A strategies, new business development, globalization in various fields including high-tech, telecommunications, internet, media contents and healthcare/healthcare devices. Worked at the San Francisco office from 1995 to 1996. Experienced consulting for major telecommunication companies, mobile phone companies, electronic manufacturers, high-tech element manufacturers, game companies, TV stations, IT/internet related companies, consumer product companies, etc. After taking up the position of CEO at a listed company, He has successively served as external directors of companies such as TOMY Co., Ltd., TATSUNOKO PRODUCTION Co., Ltd. and ATLUS Co., Ltd.Tsubaki established Asia Africa Investment and Consulting (AAIC) in 2008, taking up the position of CEO/representative partner. He has handled consulting and investment in support of projects such as new business nurturing, market entrance, M&A/partner search and business conversion in emerging regions such as China, South East Asia, India, the Middle East, and Africa.He participated in the establishment of the first Africa-specialized fund in Japan in 2014, and manages the fund. He is currently managing the Africa Healthcare Fund (AHF).
He has made many lectures and written many articles.Tsubaki is professor at the BBT University and entrepreneur course of the BBT Graduate School.Tsubaki holds a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology from The University of Tokyo. -
2021年4月に東京海上ホールディングスデジタル戦略部のシニアデジタルエキスパート兼イーデザイン損害保険CMOに就任He joined Benesse Corporation in 1994.
After that, he joined Yahoo in 2012 through Nifty, Recruit, and Rakuten.
Established a new Marketing Innovation Office. He moved to Persol Holdings in October 2018 and has been in office since April 2019.
In order to promote the digital transformation of the group as a whole, he has promoted PJ cooperation from the establishment of medium-term business plans for each company.
In April 2021, he became a senior digital expert and e-design non-life insurance CMO at Tokyo Marine Holdings Digital Strategy Department. -
AI NAKAJIMA中嶋 愛スタンフォード・ソーシャルイノベーション・レビュー 日本版編集長AI NAKAJIMA中嶋 愛スタンフォード・ソーシャルイノベーション・レビュー 日本版編集長
スタンフォード・ソーシャルイノベーション・レビュー 日本版編集長。日本経済新聞社の記者として通商問題などを担当したのち、スタンフォード大学で修士号取得。帰国後、プレジデント社で20年にわたって雑誌、単行本、ウェブコンテンツの編集に携わる一方、海外ライツ事業室を立ち上げ、日本語コンテンツの海外輸出業務を手がける。担当した『ワーク・シフト』(リンダ・グラットン著)は2013年ビジネス書大賞を受賞。翻訳書に『徹底のリーダーシップ』(ラム・チャラン著)などがある。
Ai Nakajima is Editor-in-Chief at Stanford Social Innovation Review Japan. Ai has more than 20 years of experience in the media and publishing industry. Before joining SSIR-J, Ai was Assistant Managing Editor at PRESIDENT Inc. While there, Ai helped President Inc. license various works abroad. She also worked as staff writer at Nikkei Inc., the publisher of the Financial Times. Ai earned her bachelor’s degree in international political science in Aoyoama Gakuin University and master’s degree in International Policy Studies in Stanford University.
MAKI NAKATAナカタ マキアドバイザー/ライター/クリエイティブ・ディレクターMAKI NAKATAナカタ マキアドバイザー/ライター/クリエイティブ・ディレクター
アフリカの視点と世界の文化クリエイティブ産業(Cultural and Creative Industries:CCIs)の動向に特化した発信・アドバイザリーを行うマイクロ起業家。アフリカ・欧州を中心に世界各地を訪れ、クリエイティブ起業家と業界動向を追い、協業や取材を行うほか、海外展開の戦略設計・クリエイティブディレクションに関するコンサルティング、観光・文化産業関連のPRコンテンツのプロデュース、カルチャー・コンテンツのプロデュース・実施など、広範囲にわたるクリエイティブ・ディレクションとビジネスコンサルティングを行う。パンデミック開始以降は、南アフリカ・ケープタウンとケニア・ナイロビを拠点にしつつ、旅を続けている。過去執筆媒体は『WIRED』日本版、『NEUT』『AXIS』『Newsphere』『Forbes Japan』『Business Insider Japan』『Nataal』など。米国タフツ大学フレッチャー大学院国際経営修士(Master of International Business:MIB)、国際基督教大学(International Christian University:ICU)学士。IG: @maki8383
Advisor, writer, creative director. Maki specializes in the African perspectives and the global Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs). She travels around the world to meet creative entrepreneurs, and writes about the overlooked people and cultures. She also works as a strategic advisor and artistic director, having been involved in several international projects for the Japan-based clients in the cultural, creative, and tourism sectors. In Africa, she is most likely be spotted in Nairobi, Kenya or Cape Town, South Africa. She regularly writes for Forbes Japan and Newsphere among other publications. Maki holds an MIB (Master of International Business) from The Fletcher School at Tufts University, and a bachelor’s degree from International Christian University. IG: @maki8383
AYA NAKANO中野 亜耶P&G ジャパンベビーケアブランドディレクターAYA NAKANO中野 亜耶P&G ジャパンベビーケアブランドディレクター
She joined the P&G in 2008 as a fresh graduate and spent her first four years as a brand manager for the sanitary brand Whispers in Japan and Singapore. After that, she moved to the hair care category and was promoted to brand director in 2014. She was in charge of a wide range of brand projects, including mega-brand points, Pantene reconstruction, new premium brands, and hair recipes. Then she moved to Tokyo for her family, where she was in charge of Gillette, a men’s shaving brand, and gave birth to her first child in 2016. When she returned to work in 2017, she was transferred to Kobe headquarters again and transferred to work alone with my children for a year and a half, and after that, she was in charge of the haircare brand again. She gave birth to her second child in 2019. From April 2020, she became the current director of the Pampers brand for infant and child diapers.
YUKO NAKANISHI中西 裕子資生堂 R&D戦略部 マネージャーYUKO NAKANISHI中西 裕子資生堂 R&D戦略部 マネージャー
Yuko Nakanishi Joined Shiseido after completing her master’s degree in physical science at Nagoya University. Through prescription development research on skin care products, basic research on cosmetics, and research themes using design thinking approaches, now she is in charge of Shiseido’s R&D strategy, new research planning, and project leader of Shiseido Open Innovation Program “fibona”.
TAKA NAKAMURA中村 多伽taliki 代表取締役CEOTAKA NAKAMURA中村 多伽taliki 代表取締役CEO
Born in 1995.While attending Kyoto University, she build two schools in Cambodia as representatives of international cooperation organizations.After that, she studied at a business school in New York. Has worked for the local press office and was involved in interviews for the 2016 presidential election and the United Nations General Assembly as an assistant producer. Through various experiences, she felt the need for “Support for players to solve social problems” and established Taliki Corporation in her fourth year of college. While promoting incubation of social entrepreneurs and business development and open innovation of listed companies, she established a social problem solving fund and engaged in investment activities in 2020.
HIROKO NAKAMURA中村 寛子fermata Co-founder / CCOHIROKO NAKAMURA中村 寛子fermata Co-founder / CCO
Edinburgh Napier University (英)卒。グローバルデジタルマーケティングカンファレンスを主催しているdmg::events Japan にて、6年間主にコンテンツプログラムの責任者として従事。2018年から女性エンパワメントを軸にジェンダー、年齢、働き方、健康の問題などまわりにある見えない障壁に問いをたてるビジネスカンファレンス「MASHING UP」を企画プロデ ュース。2019年にAminaとともにfermata 株式会社を創業し、主に法人営業を担当している。
Graduated from Edinburgh Napier University (UK). She worked mainly as a content program manager for six years at “dmg::events Japan”, which hosts the Global Digital Marketing Conference. Since 2018, MASHING UP, a business conference focused on women’s empowerment, has been planned to ask questions about invisible barriers such as gender, age, how to work, and health problems. In 2019, she founded “fermata” Corporation with Amina and is mainly in charge of corporate sales.
HITOSHI NIMURA二村 ヒトシAV監督 / 著述家HITOSHI NIMURA二村 ヒトシAV監督 / 著述家
Born in 1964. Adviser to Software On Demand. He created many pornographic directions that allow women to act aggressively and cross gender boundaries.
KEIKO HAMADA浜田 敬子ジャーナリスト / 前Business Insider Japan統括編集長 / 元AERA編集長KEIKO HAMADA浜田 敬子ジャーナリスト / 前Business Insider Japan統括編集長 / 元AERA編集長
著書に『働く女子と罪悪感』(集英社)。Joined Asahi Shimbun in 1989. After working for Maebashi, Sendai, and Asahi Weekly Editorial Department, she joined AERA Editorial Department. She has been covering women’s lives, working workplace issues, and international news since 1999. Also covered in the U.S. September 11 terrorist attacks and the Iraq War.
Since 2004, she has been Deputy Editor of AERA. After that, she became the first female editor-in-chief of AERA after serving as acting editor-in-chief.
When she was editor-in-chief, she challenged new developments such as collaboration with online media and “special editor-in-chief” by outside producers.
Since May 2016, she has produced symposiums on “Working x Thinking about Parenting” and “Thinking about How to Work” as a producer of Asahi Shimbun’s General Production Office. She left Asahi Shimbun at the end of March 2017.
In April 2017, she became the general editor-in-chief of the Japanese edition of online economic media that will expand to 17 countries around the world. Retired at the end of December 2020 and became a freelance journalist.
She does Commentators such as “Shinichi Hatori Morning Show” and “Sunday Morning” and give lectures on diversity and work reform. -
1969年、広島県出身。営業本部、MD企画部、戦略企画部などを歴任後、株式会社MizkanのCOOに就任。お酢のチカラキャンペーンで需要を大きく拡大することに成功。18年8月から新規事業のプロジェクトリーダーに就任し、ゼロベースからZENBブランドを立ち上げ。現在は、株式会社Mizkan Holdingsの取締役を兼務しながら、株式会社ZENB JAPANの社長として100名超のプロジェクトを束ね、人と社会と地球の健康に貢献するあたらしい食生活を目指すD2Cブランドの拡大に向け邁進している。
Born in Hiroshima Prefecture in 1969. After serving as sales headquarters, MD planning department, and strategic planning department, he became COO of Mizkan Corporation. Succeeded in greatly increasing the demand a campaign about vinegar. In August 2006, he became the project leader of a new business and launched the ZENB brand from scratch. Currently, while serving as a board member of Mizkan Holdings Inc., he is working to expand the D2C brand, which aims to contribute to the health of people, society, and the earth, by combining projects of over 100 people as president of ZENB JAPAN Inc.
YASU HIGUCHI樋口 泰行パナソニック 代表取締役専務執行役員YASU HIGUCHI樋口 泰行パナソニック 代表取締役専務執行役員
1957年兵庫県生まれ。1980年大阪大学工学部卒業後、松下電器産業株式会社(現パナソニック株式会社)に技術者として入社。1991年ハーバード大学経営大学院を修了。1992年ボストンコンサルティンググループ入社。以降アップルコンピュータ、コンパックコンピュータを経て、2003年日本ヒューレッド・パッカードの代表取締役社長に就任。2005年には株式会社産業再生機構の要請を受け、流通大手の株式会社ダイエーの代表取締役として約2年間、同社の再建に取り組んだ。2007年にはマイクロソフト株式会社(現日本マイクロソフト株式会社)の代表執行役 兼 COO、2008年には同代表執行役社長 兼 米国本社コーポレートバイスプレジデント、2015年同代表執行役会長を歴任。その後2017年4月にパナソニック本体の専務執行役員(同年6月に代表取締役専務執行役員)およびB2B事業を担当する社内分社のコネクティッドソリューションズ社の社長に就任し、パナソニックでB2Bソリューション事業の改革を進めるとともに、カルチャーマインド改革やDEI(Diversity Equity Inclusion)の活動にも力を入れている。著書に『「愚直」論』『変人力』(ともにダイヤモンド社、2005年、2007年)『マイクロソフトで学んだこと、マイクロソフトだからできること』(東洋経済新報社、2011年)『僕が「プロ経営者」になれた理由』(日本経済新聞出版、2016年)などがある。
※樋口の「樋」のシンニョウの点は1つBorn in Hyogo Prefecture in 1957. After graduating from Osaka University Faculty of Engineering in 1980, Higuchi joined Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (now Panasonic Corporation) as an engineer. He graduated from Harvard Business School in 1991 and joined the Boston Consulting Group in 1992. He worked for Apple Japan, Inc. and then Compaq Computer KK before becoming President and Representative Director at Hewlett-Packard Japan, Ltd. in 2003. In 2005, at the request of the Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan, he served as President and Representative Director of Daiei Inc. for about two years, leading the restructuring of the major retailer. In 2007, he joined Microsoft Corporation (now Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.) as the Representative Executive Officer and COO. In 2008, he became President and CEO and US Corporate Vice President, and in 2015 was appointed Chairman of Microsoft Japan. After returning to his first employer Panasonic as Senior Managing Executive Officer in April 2017, he was appointed Representative Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer of Panasonic Corporation and CEO of Connected Solutions Company, a spin-off company focused on B2B business, in June of the same year and has been working on its business transformation initiatives.
JUN HIRAYAMA平山 潤NEUT Magazine 編集長JUN HIRAYAMA平山 潤NEUT Magazine 編集長
1992年神奈川県相模原市生まれ。成蹊大学卒。ウェブメディア『Be inspired!』編集長を経て、現在は『NEUT Magazine(ニュートマガジン)』編集長を務める。『NEUT Magazine』では「既存の価値観に縛られずに生きるための選択肢」をコンセプトに、先入観に縛られない視点を届けられるよう活動中。
Born in 1992 in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture.Graduated from Seikei University he worked as editor-in-chief of the web media ”Be inspected!” and is now editor-in-chief of NEUT Magazine.” NEUT Magazine is working to deliver a perspective that is not bound by prejudice under the concept of “Choice to live without being bound by existing values.”
RYO FUJII藤井 涼朝日インタラクティブ CNET Japan編集長RYO FUJII藤井 涼朝日インタラクティブ CNET Japan編集長
1986年生まれ。2010年に朝日インタラクティブに入社し、CNET Japan編集部でGAFAを始めとするテクノロジートレンドを取材。2017年にCNET Japan副編集長、2019年5月から編集長。日々の取材に加えて、2020年度からはオンラインセミナーや音声番組にも注力。海外取材にも注力しており、近年では2019年に中国の深セン、2020年にアフリカのルワンダで現地取材。そのほか、経済産業省「U30関西起業家コミュニティ」や「OSAP」のメディアメンター。
Born in 1986.Ryo Fujii joined Asahi Interactive in 2010 and covered technology trends including GAFA in the editorial department of CNET Japan.Deputy editor-in-chief of CNET Japan in 2017 and editor-in-chief since May 2019.In addition to daily interviews, he focus on online seminars and audio programs from fiscal 2020.Also efforting on overseas coverage, and in recent years he has covered local coverage in Shenzhen, China in 2019 and Rwanda, Africa in 2020.Media mentors at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s U30 Kansai Entrepreneurial Community and OSAP.
DAISUKE FURUTA古田 大輔ジャーナリスト / メディアコラボ代表DAISUKE FURUTA古田 大輔ジャーナリスト / メディアコラボ代表
福岡生まれ、早稲田大政経学部卒。2002年朝日新聞入社。社会部、アジア総局、シンガポール支局長などを経て、デジタル版編集を担当。2015年10月に退社し、BuzzFeed Japan創刊編集長に就任。ニュースからエンターテイメントまで、記事・動画・ソーシャルメディアなどを組み合わせて急成長し、国内有数のネットメディアに。2019年6月に独立し、株式会社メディアコラボを設立。ジャーナリスト/メディアコンサルタントとして活動。2020年9月にGoogle News Labティーチングフェローに就任。その他の主な役職として、ファクトチェック・イニシアティブ理事、NIRA総研上席研究員など。著書に『子どもを育てられるなんて思わなかった』(編著、山川出版)、『フェイクと憎悪』(共著、大月書店)など。ニューヨーク市立大ジャーナリズムスクール“News Innovation and Leadership 2020”修了。International Visitor Leadership Program Integrity of Journalism 2018, US Department of State
Daisuke Furuta is a Journalist and teaching fellow at Google News Lab, where Daisuke gives training to newsrooms of Japanese news media for digital reporting. He started his career as a reporter at The Asahi Shimbun. After working in branch offices in Japan and Southeast Asia, he was assigned as a digital editor based in Tokyo. In 2015, he joined BuzzFeed as founder and editor-in-chief of its Japan edition. He left BuzzFeed in 2019 and launched his own company, “media-collab” to support the digital transformation of Japanese media. Daisuke is the board member of Fact-check Initiative Japan. Alumnus of Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at City University of New York, Executive program “News Innovation and Leadership” 2020. International Visitor Leadership Program Integrity of Journalism 2018, US Department of State.
HIROKO HOSHINO星野 裕子フィナンシャル・タイムズ 在日代表/コマーシャルディレクターHIROKO HOSHINO星野 裕子フィナンシャル・タイムズ 在日代表/コマーシャルディレクター
In 2000, joined the Financial Times, belongs to the commercial department. Since 2006, she has been the director of digital commercials for FT Asia. Since January 2007, she has served concurrently as the representative of Japan.
Has been in the current job since 2014. She leads the Japanese branch in Tokyo and oversees advertising operations throughout Asia. -
KAREN MAKISHIMA牧島 かれんデジタル大臣 行政改革担当大臣 内閣府特命担当大臣(規制改革)KAREN MAKISHIMA牧島 かれんデジタル大臣 行政改革担当大臣 内閣府特命担当大臣(規制改革)
1976年11月1日神奈川県生まれ。国際基督教大学教養学部社会科学科卒業、米国ジョージワシントン大学ポリティカルマネージメント大学院修了(修士号取得)、国際基督教大学大学院行政学研究科博士後期課程修了(博士号取得)。2012年衆議院選挙において初当選。内閣府大臣政務官(地方創生・金融・防災担当)、自由民主党青年局長、同党デジタル社会推進特別委員会事務局長などを歴任。2021年10月 デジタル大臣、行政改革担当大臣、内閣府特命担当大臣(規制改革)就任。
Was born in Kanagawa Prefecture on November 1, 1976.
Graduated from the Department of Social Sciences at International Christian University, completed a master’s degree in Political Management at George Washington University, and a doctorate in Public Administration at International Christian University.
She was elected for the first time in the 2012 Lower House election. Also served as Parliamentary Secretary (in charge of regional creation, finance, and disaster prevention), Director-General of the Youth Bureau of the Liberal Democratic Party, and Director-General of the Special Committee on Digital Society of the same party.
Since October 2021: Minister for Digital Affairs, Minister for Administrative Reform, and Minister for Regulatory Reform of the Cabinet Office (Regulatory Reform). -
TAKAYA MATSUDA松田 崇弥ヘラルボニー 代表取締役社長TAKAYA MATSUDA松田 崇弥ヘラルボニー 代表取締役社長
株式会社ヘラルボニー 代表取締役・CEO 小山薫堂が率いる企画会社オレンジ・アンド・パートナーズ、プランナーを経て独立。「異彩を、放て。」をミッションに掲げる福祉実験ユニットを双子と共に設立。岩手と東京の2拠点を軸に福祉領域のアップデートに挑む。ヘラルボニーのクリエイティブを統括。日本を変える30歳未満の30人「Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN」受賞。日本オープンイノベーション大賞「環境大臣賞」受賞。https://www.heralbony.jp/
He became independent after working as a planner for Orange & Partners, a planning company led by Kundo Koyama. He established a welfare experiment unit with his twins under the mission of “Let go of your excellence.” They are trying to update the welfare area around Iwate and Tokyo. He supervised the creative role of “HERALBONY”
He won Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN. Also received the Minister of the Environment Award at the Japan Open Innovation Awards. https://www.heralbony.jp/ -
TOMOHIRO MATSUNAGA松長 知宏隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 設計室長TOMOHIRO MATSUNAGA松長 知宏隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 設計室長
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Keio University.
In 2012, joined Kengo Kuma Architectural City Design Office.
He mainly uses 3D technology to visualize and design, and is currently the design director of the 3DCG team.
A first-class architect. -
CHIKA MARUTA丸田 千果ラッシュジャパン ブランドコミュニケーション マネージャーCHIKA MARUTA丸田 千果ラッシュジャパン ブランドコミュニケーション マネージャー
She spent her school days in the Bay Area of California, worked as a planner, and then joined LASH Japan in 2014.
After being in charge of ethical campaigns against animal testing for cosmetics, protecting LGBTQ+, supporting refugees, and promoting renewable energy, she led a wide range of brand stories, including recruitment projects and concept shops using digital experiences.
Recently, while designing brand communication strategies, she is working to create communities in various parts of the country where LASH’s biggest media, shops, are located. -
YUMIKO MURAKAMI村上 由美子MPower Partners ゼネラル・パートナーYUMIKO MURAKAMI村上 由美子MPower Partners ゼネラル・パートナー
Yumiko Murakami is the former head of the OECD Tokyo Centre, and she also spent 20 years working for Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse. She is a leading authority on corporate governance, tax guidelines, gender diversity, education, trade and innovation issues. Yumiko has an MBA from Harvard Business School, MA from Stanford University and BA from Sophia University.
2011年3月29日に日本初・国内最大級のクラウドファンディングサービス「READYFOR」をスタート。2014年に株式会社化し、代表取締役CEOに就任。World Economic Forumグローバルシェイパーズ2011に選出、日本人史上最年少でダボス会議に参加。
「人生100年時代構想会議」「未来投資会議」「デジタル改革関連法案ワーキンググループ」等の民間議員に選出。現在、「新しい資本主義実現開示」の民間構成員を務める。Born in October 1987.
Graduated from Keio University’s Department of Economics and Media Design (KMD) .
On March 29, 2011, launched the first and largest crowdfunding service in Japan, “READY FOR.”
She was incorporated into a joint-stock company in 2014 and assumed the position of CEO of the company.
Also have selected as the World Economic Forum Global Shapers 2011 and was the youngest Japanese ever to participate in the Davos conference.
Elected as a private lawmaker such as the “100 Years of Life Initiative Conference,” “Future Investment Conference,” and “Digital Reform-Related Bill Working Group.”
Currently, she is a private member of the “New Capitalism Realization Disclosure.” -
AKIHIRO YASUI安居 昭博Circular Initiatives&Partners 代表AKIHIRO YASUI安居 昭博Circular Initiatives&Partners 代表
1988年12月12日生まれ。Circular Initiatives&Partners代表。世界経済フォーラムGlobal Future Council on Japan メンバー。ドイツ・キール大学「Sustainability, Society and the Environment」修士課程卒業。2021年6月『サーキュラーエコノミー実践 ーオランダに探るビジネスモデル』出版。2021年、日本各地でのサーキュラーエコノミー実践と理論の普及が高く評価され、「青年版国民栄誉賞(TOYP2021)」にて「内閣総理大臣奨励賞(グランプリ)」受賞。サーキュラーエコノミー研究家/サスティナブル・ビジネスアドバイザー/映像クリエイター。アムステルダムと東京の2拠点で活動し、これまでに50を超える関係省庁・企業・自治体に向けオランダでの視察イベント、200社以上へ講演会を開催しサーキュラーエコノミーを紹介する。複数の企業へアドバイザー・外部顧問として参画。「トニーズ・チョコロンリー (Tony’s Chocolonely)」を初めとし、オランダ企業の日本進出プロジェクトにも参画。日本とヨーロッパ間でのサーキュラーエコノミー分野の橋渡し役を務める。「サステナアワード2020」にて「環境省環境経済課長賞」を受賞。
Born on December 12, 1988 in Tokyo, Japan. Akihiro Yasui is circular-economy researcher, sustainable journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Amsterdam. He is passionate about sharing environmental, socially beneficial ideas through his films and articles. The themes he have been addressing are zero waste, food rescue, refugee issues, fair trade, organic agriculture, circular-economy, and sustainable lifestyles. Through working with a sustainable web magazine in Germany “Funkenzeit”, he has interviewed and got involved in various startups and individuals, including a Dutch rescued-food restaurant “Instock”, a circular-economy jeans company “MUD Jeans”, Berlin’s first food-outlet store “SirPlus”, the German refugee supporting project “The Hutto Project” and Slow Food Japan & Germany.
YUKIKO YAMAGUCHI山口 有希子パナソニック コネクティッドソリューションズ社 常務 CMO DEI担当役員YUKIKO YAMAGUCHI山口 有希子パナソニック コネクティッドソリューションズ社 常務 CMO DEI担当役員
パナソニックのB2Bソリューションビジネス(2022年4月よりパナソニックコネクト株式会社)のマーケティングおよびデザイン部門の責任者として国内外のマーケティング機能を強化しつつ、ビジネス改革・カルチャー改革に取り組んでいる。シスコシステムズ、ヤフージャパン、日本IBMなど複数の国内企業・外資系企業にてマーケティング部門管理職に25年以上従事し、2017年12月より現職。ダイバーシティ推進担当役員として、女性活躍、LGBTQ、男性育休100%取得などを推進している。日本アドバタイザーズ協会 デジタルメディア委員会 委員長。個人的に不登校児とその親を支援する活動にも従事。
As the head of the marketing and design departments of Panasonic’s B2B solutions business (to be renamed Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd. in April 2022), Yukiko been aggressively strengthening the company’s global marketing functions while also implementing business and cultural reforms since December 2017. With over 25 years of marketing leadership experience, she has had a series of roles at various companies including IBM Japan, Yahoo Japan and Cisco Systems. She also supports the evolution of marketing in Japan as chairperson of the Digital Media Committee of the Japan Advertisers Association (JAA), and in her private time is engaged in activities to support children with educational challenges.
ASAHI YAMAMOTO山本 朝陽YouTuber ミュータントウェーブ メンバーASAHI YAMAMOTO山本 朝陽YouTuber ミュータントウェーブ メンバー
Retired at the age of 22 after working as a Nadeshiko League female soccer player. And started treatment at the same time as retired, finished changing the family register at the age of 24, and now living life as a man.
While working as a salesman, as a certified collect mentor, he also provides mental support to realize as many goals as possible with “As I am.”
Has been active as Mutant Wave, a YouTuber, since August 2021. -
YUSUKE YOKOO横尾 祐介クックパッド コーポレートブランディング部長/クックパッドの家庭科 プロデューサーYUSUKE YOKOO横尾 祐介クックパッド コーポレートブランディング部長/クックパッドの家庭科 プロデューサー
After working as a major electrical manufacturer, he served as a brand manager at Triumph International Japan Co., Ltd.
He planned a number of hits, including “Sloggy”, which pioneered comfort bra, and now he is branding the value of food at “Cookpad”. He creating projects that capture social issues from the point of view of cooking, such as “Creative Cooking Battle” on the theme of food loss and “Cookpad Family Studies” classes for junior high and high schools. -
HIROYUKI YOSHIMOTO吉本 浩之アメリカン・エキスプレス・インターナショナル, Inc. 日本 社長HIROYUKI YOSHIMOTO吉本 浩之アメリカン・エキスプレス・インターナショナル, Inc. 日本 社長
1991年日商岩井(現 双日)入社、自動車本部にて海外での製造、販売、自動車販売金融事業等に従事。
2015年日本電産入社、グループ会社社長や本社代表取締役社長、その後、Nidec Motor Corporation CEOを経て2021年6月アメリカン・エキスプレスに入社し現職。
大阪大学人間科学部卒業、カーネギーメロン大学経営大学院卒業。In 1991, he joined Nissho Iwai (now Sojitsu) and was engaged in overseas manufacturing, sales, and automobile sales finance at the automobile headquarters.
Since 2003, he has been promoting business process change projects and personal loan businesses at GE Commercial Finance and GE Consumer Finance. After joining Nissan Motor Group in 2008, he was in charge as a product planning director and president of Nissan Motor Company in Thailand.
He joined Nippon Electric in 2015, worked as the president of the group company and representative director of the head office, and then he became CEO of Nidec Motor Corporation. After these experiences, he entered American Express International, Inc in June 2021 and now became president of the Japanese branch.
Graduated from Osaka University’s Faculty of Human Sciences and Carnegie Mellon University Graduate School of Business Administration. -
MINORU YOSHIKAWA吉川 稔東邦レオ 代表取締役社長MINORU YOSHIKAWA吉川 稔東邦レオ 代表取締役社長
1965年 大阪生まれ。1989年 神戸大学農学部を卒業後、住友信託銀行に入社。1999年 オーブ株式会社を設立、ライフスタイル事業への投資を開始。2001年株式会社リステアホールディングス取締役副社長、バレンシアガ・ジャパン取締役、株式会社リステアインベストメント(ゴールドマンサックスとの合弁会社)代表取締役に就任。2010年 クール・ジャパン官民有識者会議委員に就任。2011年 上海と東京で投資会社のアドバイザー。2014年 カフェ・カンパニー株式会社、取締役副社長に就任。2016年7月 株式会社NI-WA創立、代表取締役社長に就任、現職。2016年11月 東邦レオ株式会社、代表取締役社長に就任、現職。
Born in Osaka in 1965. After graduating from Kobe University’s Faculty of Agriculture in 1989,
Joined Sumitomo Trust Bank.Minoru Yoshikawa established Orb Corporation in 1999 and began investing in lifestyle businesses.In 2001, he became vice president of Listair Holdings, Inc. and Director Valenciaga Japan,Appointed CEO of Restaire Investment Co., Ltd. (a joint venture with Goldman Sachs)
2010: Cool Japan Appointed him as a member of the Council of Public-Private Experts
2011: Investment Company Advisors in Shanghai and Tokyo
2014: Became vice president of the board of directors of Café Company Co., Ltd.
Established NI-WA Co., Ltd. in July 2016, assumed the position of CEO and current president.
Same years in November, became the president of the company’s representative director of Toho Leo Co., Ltd. -
YUKO ENDO遠藤 祐子メディアジーン MASHING UP編集長 / メディアジーン執行役員YUKO ENDO遠藤 祐子メディアジーン MASHING UP編集長 / メディアジーン執行役員
MASHING UP編集長。株式会社メディアジーン執行役員。2005年株式会社カフェグローブ・ドット・コムに入社、cafeglobeの副編集長、編集長をつとめる。2012年8月より株式会社メディアジーンにおいて、cafeglobe編集長、MYLOHAS編集長を経、2015年7月女性メディア統括プロデューサーに。2015年11月よりメディアジーン編集部門執行役員。
Yuko Endo is the producer and Editorial Officer of Mediagene.She has worked for several women’s media since she started her career as a magazine editor.Worked at Cafeglobe.com Inc. as a chief editor of “Cafeglobe” (since 2005) , Joined Mediagene in 2012 and worked as a chief editor of “Cafeglobe” and “Mylohas”. She has been put in charge of directing all medias in Mediagene, including Gizmodo and Lifehacker and so on.